We’re often asked why Puro decided to push ahead with two growing sites – one indoor at Waihopai and one outdoor at Kēkerengū.
Puro’s indoor plants at Waihopai are a mixture of CBD and THC varieties, with high, moderate and low levels of THC. Our research facility here will host Puro’s Cultivar Breeding Programme, being overseen by AbacusBio, and in future will provide ‘pharmaceutical grade’ flower products year-round.
At Kēkerengū the outdoor crop is a mixture of CBD and CBG dominant plants with low to no THC, which are being grown under organic protocols. Here Puro will manually harvest and boutique-process portions of its outdoor top flower, so it can provide options for a premium product for local and export markets. The remainder of Puro’s outdoor plants will be machine-processed and sold in bulk form suitable for high value extraction. Our first commercial harvest at Kēkerenū is now underway.
Cultivating two very different plant varieties across two distinct sites gives Puro access to two unique markets, and two distinct income streams. This diversification of sites, products and markets reduces Puro’s risk profiles. We expect this will translate into reliable returns to our shareholders.
Our goal at both sites is to produce broad-spectrum products which provide the sought-after ‘entourage effect’ and utilise the natural advantages of Marlborough cultivation.