Puro's 2021/2022 outdoor growing season is off to a great start with seeds germinating in a new nursery facility at Kēkerengū.
This new facility allows Puro to germinate seeds on site in a warm, sheltered environment, with tens of thousands of seeds planted in already! Once the plants grow big enough, they will be moved to a semi-sheltered outdoor area where they will get a taste of life outside, before being planted into the field.
But work isn’t finished at Kēkerengū yet, with construction underway of a large water reservoir. This reservoir will hold 20 million litres of water, which will be filled from the Kēkerengū River using Puro's existing water take consent. This water storage facility will allow Puro to operate in a way that’s more secure and sustainable for Puro and the environment. It means the reservoir can be filled when the Kēkerengū River levels are higher, reducing Puro's reliance on this water take in the dryer months and minimising cultivation risks in the event of drought.